Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Babies on Quilts

I made quilts for friends who were having babies and requested some pictures of the babies with the quilts. I figured what new mother wouldn't want another chance to take a picture of their baby? (The correct answer is "none").

Stan the Man and his Robot Quilt
I like this one because it looks like he is mesmerized by that robot. Don't worry Stan, robots only steal old people's medicine...

Cool nail polish, Emily!
 High as the Skyler and her Not-Your-Average-Baby-Quilt (Note: Infant was not using drugs during photo session)

Look at her smiling with her eyes. However, I think Tyra would like it better if that dress was made of raw meat and climbing up the rigging of a pirate ship.

Yay! It goes with the color palette of the room!
A special thanks to this blog entry's contributing photographers and teeny tiny models!

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