Thursday, December 6, 2012

Quilts for Some Nick-named Fetuses...Feti?

So I had no reason to wait to post about these quilts, because the person who I was making them for did not have my blog address...however I was lazy, so I did not post. These quilts are exciting because one of them is my first commissioned quilt! Huzzah! First I shall show a picture:

So the story is that my friend from work, Emily, is having a baby boy this January, and so I told her I was making her a quilt. Well, she was quite pleased with that idea, and decided she wanted me to also make one for her sister who is also having a baby boy around the same time. She wanted the two quilts to match each other but not be identical. Hence the results above. And I should credit my inspiration for the pattern, Rita from redpepperquilts, see here: redpepperquilts

I made Emily's first, and was a little nervous about making a good BOY quilt, because I think it is a lot easier to make girly ones, as 70% of fabric is flowery. Well, I struck gold and was inspired by this superawesome robot fabric I found. I mean, who doesn't LOVE robots? Even people who are afraid that robots will attack and steal old people's medicine for fuel think robots are awesome.

Good thing he has Old Glory Insurance

I dont' have too many close up pictures, but here are the robots:

Anyway I really like this pattern because it is really easy, but looks really good, plus it doesn't get boring making the blocks because you get to come up with different combinations of fabrics. I chose a lot of fabrics for this quilt - maybe too many, some only get used in one or two blocks. I did the same quilting as Rita from redpepperquilts does in her quilts, which I think looks really nice, especially on the back. I used a yellow and white polka dot fabric for the back, because I knew yellow was Emily's favorite color.

So once I finished Emily's quilt, I started on her sister's. I was actually intending to use the same robot fabric and maybe just do a different binding color and backing, but when I got to the store to buy more robots, they didn't have any. I thought I might still have enough left from the first one, but then I saw......MONSTERS! Cute, adorable monsters!

Some babies do prefer scary monsters to adorable ones...
Here are the monsters on the quilt back:
She also wanted me to embroider the fetus's code name, "Tootsie," on the quilt.

I originally didn't have the black and white striped fabric, and the black monster fabric was the only black fabric in the quilt. It looked weird, and I think the black and white stripes added just what I was looking for. The back looks like this (same quilting pattern):

The reason for the decoration is actually that I was about an inch too short on my plaid backing fabric. I decided that the quilt definitely needed more monsters anyway, so this is what I did, and I really like it.

Oh and here's the name embroidered on Emily's quilt. Her fetus's code name is Statt, which I am going to post on the internet as the city in Germany where the baby was conceived. haha. Emily if you see this and want me to remove that statement, we can negotiate.

All in all, I am very pleased with the results...especially the walking foot that I got for my birthday and used for the first time on the "Tootsie" quilt. It worked very nicely. I would like to thank my first client, Emily, and let anyone who is reading this blog know that if they ever want to commission a quilt, just let me know. It was great fun. I hope she and baby Statt enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it! 

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