Friday, June 29, 2012

This entry has two items: the quilt I made my niece last Christmas, and a camera case I made recently. 

As I said, I made this quilt for my niece last Christmas and I somehow lost the pictures I took of it. So after a reminder from my mother-in-law, I remembered to take pictures when we were visiting in Elk Grove on Father's Day. We had been lured into the visit by a promise of some cherry pies.  The pies were indeed delicious...and of course it was fun to see the fam and honor Pappa Petersen and Ante.  Ben spent Father's Day celebrating how he isn't a father.  I believe that was the same Sunday in which he told some little six-year-olds at our church discussing future ice cream prospects, "I can eat ice cream whenever I want because I have money because I have job!"

So you can see why he was celebrating not being a father. 

Anyhoo, I made sure to get an overall shot (thanks Ben for holding that quilt so fabulously, in such a non-fatherly fashion), but I thought it would be fun to get some pics with the girls on it. (See further down)

The quilt design is simple, just a bunch of squares, but I really like the result. As I look at bloggy people's quilts I often realize that simple quilts often look fabulous. I keep leaning towards designs that look more complex...and now I am thinking I should go back to more simple designs. Especially since I can only straight-line quilt. 
The quilt is Lizzie's (Layla's quilt is an older entry). And here are the lovely ladies:

I got a better second picture of Layla, because she understands the concept of posing for a picture, albeit by a small margin. Being three years old she is kind of in constant motion. Meanwhile, Lizzie was kind of rolling around or staring at various moving objects in the room...often not the camera.


I had thought about doing a camera case for a while, but never came up with a good idea. The reason I thought about doing a camera case is because we have a camera and it has no case.  The reason I decided to do it two weeks ago is that I had finished my quilt top for that big red and blue quilt except for two pieces of white fabric. I ran out, and I was waiting for a certain Joann's coupon to activate. Yup, that is revolves around coupons....

I couldn't think of anything super amazing, so I looked in my plastic bag o' scraps, and somehow decided on these red and black fabrics. I just started sewing them log-cabin style, and then this happened:



That button is one of those extra buttons they give you with sweaters or pants.  That is pretty much how all my buttons are acquired.  When I purchase a new clothing item with buttons, I always throw the extra button into my underwear drawer (Obviously!...?), so that is where I went searching the other day. Maybe I should move them into my sewing box....

It is also might be amusing for anyone who has received a quilt of mine to recognize any fabrics that I am using again and again.  This camera case is like 90% from fabrics I used in my mom's quilt.  The red silk, which was originally from my bridesmaid's dress for Kali's wedding was used in my mom's quilt, and also the Bargello quilt. One of the white and pink fabrics on Lizzie's quilt is from an awesome stash of late 80's - early 90'sy fabric that my former roommate Chiquis gave me from her mom. I hope to use more of those fabrics. Some are pretty darn neon, which = awesome. I guess I find it interesting to think of the history of some of the fabrics.

1 comment:

  1. Erica! Why did I JUST learn that you a) quilt and b) have a blog about it!?!?!?

    SO AWESOME! Can I pay you to make one for me!?
