Thursday, July 19, 2012

I have been waiting a long time to post this quilt. It is a baby quilt for Kali's baby girl: coming soon to a hospital near you. If you live in Florida. I started the quilt pretty much as soon as she told me the sex of the baby. I couldn't post before I gave it to her, and this is why I am posting it now when I finished it in like April. I originally took some pictures of the quilt, but accidentally deleted them off the camera before uploading them to the computer. Kali graciously took some photos for me, which I think look better than any I have taken so far. And as a bonus, she took them at the beach so they look especially blogworthy. The "beach" near my apartment is the grossest part of the San Francisco Bay...stinky marshy mudflats covered in various bird droppings.

Anyhoo, I based the pattern on the "Swoon" quilts I have seen all over the online quilting universe. There was a big "quilt-a-long" online and I decided I really like the pattern.

Models: Jtizzle and Miley

This seems especially blogworthy: beach grasses blowing in the background, worn wooden fence....

I did some hand stitching in the center of each star. That was really fun. I tried to do it with really thick embroidery thread, so you could see it really well. I discovered some color combinations worked better than others for visibility. Purple thread on busy green printed fabric was not as visible as dark blue thread on orange fabric. Lesson learned. I still think it looks good. You can see a little bit of it in the orange star on the top photo, maybe even in the last photo....

I decided I really like baby quilts because: they are small, don't require a ridiculous amount of fabric, easy to baste, easier to quilt, and I can finish quickly! My next post will be my beastly queen size quilt. All of those things I just listed are not true about that quilt...

1 comment:

  1. Looovely! We are ever so grateful to have received said quilt. Thanks!
