Wednesday, March 21, 2012

This is my second quilt ever, a baby quilt for Ben's best buddy's baby (say that 5 times fast!).  I like it, but feel like could be a lot multiple ways. Maybe their next baby will get a better quilt, and maybe Ben will remember to get the gift sooner than 4+ months after the birth.  However, a good learning experience! We also got them some baby clothes, so I don't feel too bad.
First quilt ever! I know the posts are out of order...oh well. And the picture is bad. This is because our camera broke halfway through our trip to Turkey, and we didn't get a new camera until Christmas. Behold the amazing picture quality of my husband's Blackberry!

Red and blue is one of my favorite color combos, and I got nearly all this fabric from the clearance section and the remnants bin at Joann's Fabrics. Woot. This quilt is really small, like 36"x48" or so; it was when I was deciding whether I would actually like quilting. Conclusion: I did. I also watched the entire first season of Downton Abbey making this quilt.
 This was actually my third quilt I made, and there are lots of flaws. However I am very much not a perfectionist, and also will not be giving this away, so I don't feel bad.  I used a pattern I saw called both "Snail's Trail" and "Monkey Wrench" in different locations. I rearranged the blocks from what is normally done though... I machine quilted the border and diagonally in the center. Then I hand-quilted the solid blocks in the center. Each has a different design which kept it interesting. I really like doing that part - might make me do more hand-quilting. I wish I had thought more about the quilting before I did this one, but hey, I'm a beginner...
Close-up of some of the hand-quilted designs. 
This is my attempt at a Bargello quilt, which I think looks really cool. I like Bargellos because they are mathematical.  Not going to lie, I actually tried to come up with the equation for those curves (I kind of succeeded by calculating it in reverse - it is a cubic equation)

I put it up above our bed to add some color...our bedspread is gray gray and more gray.  This is because Ben and I have trouble agreeing on all decorations for our house; this is also why my nightstand is still a set of plastic drawers. Anyway, I really like how the quilt turned out mostly because I love orange. The red is actually silk that is from my bridesmaid's dress for Kali's wedding...haha. Now I just need to hang it properly instead of using thumbtacks...

Friday, March 16, 2012

1st post

I made this quilt for my niece for Christmas.  It turned out way better than I thought it would, especially once it was washed.  I made one for my other niece, but I can't find the pictures. I might have to take some when I visit them next. Maybe I can get a sweet infant-themed action shot of baby Lizzie barfing on it (that's a baby thing to do, right?).  I really ended up liking the back: the quilting is more noticeable on the back.

I had to add this picture because this is the only scenic location I have taken any quilt pictures. I have noticed from the other quilt blogs/websites that everyone photographs their quilt at some old barn or bleak industrial-like setting (preferably a barn with lots of peeling paint). Well, I am lazy and haven't seen a barn in a while, unless you count "Dress Barn." 

This picture is the exception since we were conveniently at my parents-in-law's house in Weimar (near Colfax, which is near Auburn, which is near Sacramento...which is in California) with its stunning view off the porch. Now I must become a better photographer.