Monday, January 28, 2013

Blue-Purple-Chartreuse Kaleidoscope

Okay sorry, I have a backlog of quilting projects to blog about. Well like two. Three if you count the bag I made. Two entries in one day...

I hate to pick favorites, but this is one of them. This quilt was given to my mother-in-law for Christmas. Or should I say JanuaryNineteenth-mas....because I was here during Christmas:
My brother pointed out that this should be an ad for Lonely Planet (notice the guidebook strategically held in my hand)
The Quilt
I decided I wanted to do a kaleidoscope quilt based on some cool things I saw on the glorious Pinterest. I decided to make it for my mother-in-law because I figured she would want a quilt; especially because she is always cold (cold body + quilt = slightly warmer body). I thought she might like these colors, because uhhh...who doesn't like blue? Have you ever met anyone who doesn't like blue? Now some people might not like chartreuse, but I like chartreuse, and if I have learned anything from Project Runway it is that you have to be "true to yourself as a designer" (said in a obnoxious, I'm-quoting-Project-Runway, voice). I have also learned from Project Runway that the character Mugatu from Zoolander was not a parody, but in fact Michael Kors dressed in silly clothes.
seriously. and even more obvious if you hear them talk.

I debated the arrangement of these blocks and whether I should strive for some larger pattern, similar to Lizzy House's "Diamond Mountain" Quilt (Diamond Mountain). I chose not to because I wasn't confident in my ability to pull it off. Coincidentally, I had some of Lizzy House's fabric that I was already planning to use in this quilt. I forgot the name, but it looks like blue Agra-ba from Aladdin. That fabric also has a tiny bit of chartreuse, inspiring me to use the straight-up chartreuse fabric. Ahh...connections. In the end I decided to do..., well you can see for yourself:

But first:
Like this, minus some people and genies

For the quilting, I outlined some of the stars. After doing that, I decided it wasn't enough (I should have taken a picture!). I decided to do diagonal stripes across the blocks, which I really liked in the end. Especially on the back. The backing is a really pretty blue and purple batik that I splurged on because I liked it so much. I ordinarily think the batiks that are so popular right now are over-rated and can look old-ladyish, but as I said, I liked this one a lot. And it matched the quilt top perfectly (Again, I was lucky that I found something to use as a back after I had already finished the top).
Back with quilting....and mustache men!

Thank you grass across the apartment building parking lot! 

1 comment:

  1. This turned out SO awesome! I love that color schemey. Post more pictures of your trip.
