Friday, May 27, 2016

2015 Quiltings

I am still behind in my blogging, so this post is a recap of 2015. I made the one below for a baby of my friend, Lindsay. I was inspired by a 19th century American quilt I saw on Pinterest. I really like how it turned out with the contrast of lights and darks. I need to make a bigger version sometime!

Below is my mock up in black and white. 

The following quilt is probably one of my favorites. My mother-in-law commissioned a queen-sized quilt for their bedroom. It was based on the Kaffe Fassett quilt below I found in a book. You can compare the two below (Sorry for the poor pictures ). I changed the color scheme a bit, but I did use a fair amount of Kaffe Fassett fabric. Can you tell he is one of my favorite designers? This quilt was trickier to make because of all the diamonds and hexagons and their non-90-degree seams. I think it is worth it though!

My version (quilt top before quilting)
The real thing. Or at least a photo of a photo of the real thing.

I always find it hard to design pillow shams to go with quilts, because I don't like when things are too matchy-matchy. Below is what I came up with. I did some hand embroidery in the middle. Also, my mother-in-law is very good at making her bed.

I think I actually made this quilt in 2014, but I forgot to take pictures until 2015....

Another queen-sized quilt! This one was a Christmas present for my mom to put on one of the beds in their new house in Utah. Turns out she put it on their own bed. I did a simple lone star on a white background. I love lone stars, because I like how the fabrics blend into each other. It worked out well because I used a bunch of fabrics (Kaffe Fassett again, "Roman Glass") that my mom gave me for my birthday.

Final product, with the shams and mini pillow I made:

I made a bunch of various pouches this year, but here is one of my favorites:

I made the quilt below for my sister-in-law's 4th kid. I chose a color combo I have never used before, and it kind of reminds me of girl scouts. 

I never was in Daisies.  
Anyway, I bought this amusing food fabric a little while ago. Is it kind of weird that it is all junk food except for the tomato?

I gave the quilt below to my mother-in-law for Christmas. This one took a bit longer than I thought it would. I had to draw a diagram of the entire thing with every square, and I would cross off each set of squares as I sewed them. Sorry for the bad picture :(

I am always watching TV when I sew, and this one I shall dub my "Jane the Virgin" quilt because I was binging on that during this quilt's production. I also have some "Breaking Bad" socks I knitted.

That's it for 2015! Hopefully I am more diligent about blogging in the future :)

Sunday, May 22, 2016

2014 Recap

Well, I haven't posted anything in nearly two years. That is unfortunate. Mostly I will post pictures, because I have done a bunch of stuff since then.

Made this wall hanging for my mom. I did some fun hand embroidery in the middle.

My mom had me make this for a baby girl. Below you can see a black and white shot of it when I was arranging the fabrics. About half the fabrics are Heather Ross' Briar Rose, which I LOVE.

I thought it would be cool to show a progress shot. I often take B&W photos to see how the light and dark fabrics contrast. Also, I had to crop this photo because I noticed that I was not wearing any pants.

I made this queen size quilt for my sister's wedding. Before I sewed them together, each block was used as a centerpiece of each table at her wedding reception. After the wedding, I took them home and sewed it up. Apparently, some wedding guests were going to take some of these home until someone stopped them! 

The fabrics are mostly Joel Dewberry's Botanique.

My friend Chiquis had me make this for her friend. She wanted Disney theme and some embroidery. 

Donald and Daisy were some of my favorites. 
Maybe just because of the poses. I love how furious he looks.
My mom had me make a gift for my aunt and uncle. I knew they collected nativities, so here is my embroidered one.

My mom also had me make her a tree skirt. I like the design, but those were some SMALL pieces of fabric to work with. 
Now comes the part of the year where I was pregnant and knew a lot of pregnant people. So I went on a kick and made a quilt for just about every pregnant person I knew.
Made this quilt for Kali.
Quilt twin in case Taylor was having a girl. She was having a boy.
The quilt I made Taylor in case she was having a boy. She was having a boy. 
Same fabric line as the one above it - Creative Thursday, Zaza Zoo. Made this for my friend Becky.

I gave this one to my friend Emily, who had the same due date as me.

Made this one for Ben's college bff's wife, who also had the same due date! See - I was getting pretty crazy with the quilt making.
I think that is most of the stuff from 2014. I can't believe that was two years ago now. Thanks to the people who commissioned many of those quilts!