Saturday, January 11, 2014

Post-Christmas Post

I made many a Christmas gift and had to wait to post about them until I actually gave the gifts.
Or: I am lazy, and you will see that some of these items are way old anyways....

Bag for Me

I made this bag a while ago. I had all these tiny triangles left from the quilt I made my mom that I wanted to use. Also, the other bag I made myself was way too big, and I didn't use interfacing in the basically it sucked (though I still like the design - I might turn it into a pillow or something). This one is a good size, though I screwed up the handles a bit and didn't cut the fabric big enough, so I kind of superglued it a bit....

The superglued edges on the handles digs into my hands, but has only drawn blood once.

Christmas Stockings from 2 years ago...

As the heading suggests, I made these two years ago when we first got married. I am really proud of my idea for Ben's, which if you can't tell, is a Sasquatch foot.


"Though I think my fur has a much silkier sheen to it"

Another Pouch

I made this one for my friend and former roommate, Chiquis. Has some of my favorite fabrics and is green, as that is her favorite color.

Wallet/Phone Case

This one was a fun project I made for my sister. I had seen on her Pinterest wish list that she had some Vera Bradley wallet/phone case thing listed. My instinctual thought came into my head: "Why would I buy that when I could make that?" I often think this, and sometimes my expectations are more reasonable than others. This time I think it worked out pretty well, and it was nice and challenging to figure out without a pattern.
What I ACTUALLY made

What I most likely couldn't make....
Definitely couldn't make this....

 Oven Mitts of Doom

There is hopefully no doom involved with these oven mitts; I just started typing "oven mitts," and then my brain said, "OF DOOM!" really loud, so I decided to type it. I gave these to my mother in law, and wouldn't you know it, she said she had actually needed new ones. This was another project where I wanted to use some scraps, and made the pot holder first. I liked it, so I thought it should have a coordinating oven mitt. I like pinwheel squares....

The picture below is the first including my new quilting model, Fabio. He's new to this, so be nice ;)

Pouch from the early 90's

My aforementioned former roommate gave my a bin of fabric from her mom, which included some really awesome 90'sy neon fabrics. (See paint-splatter-elementary-school-photo-background-style fabric below) I still haven't figured out something amazing to do with them, but I thought a small project would be the perfect time for a test run. I made this pouch for my pal Kali (shoutout!). Because who doesn't love the nineties? I know my husband is wishing he could go back. Every time he sees old 90's sitcoms, he laments that baggy jeans with white t-shirts under an unbuttoned collared shirt aren't fashionable anymore.

Also those necklaces made of clay. Mine was a yin yang.

Another pouch...sorry they are fun to make....

Another excellent modeling job. I gave this to my mom; I did a little hand quilting and machine quilting. 

Blue Flower Bag

I made this bag for my mom. I got a jelly roll of various shades of blue that I was eager to use. I love using multiple shades of one color, but sometimes it is hard for me to think of the best way to showcase that. I like the pop of orange in the middle. I wanted Ben to do a parody pose off the chicks who have crafty blogs and pose all serious-like out in some beautiful setting while looking off in another direction. However, as you might notice, Ben felt the need to instead make everything creepily sexual. 
Sorry ladies, see the ring? He is a married man.
 Aside from Ben's absurdity, I strangely like the composition of this photo.

Don't worry, Mom. He didn't actually lick the bag. 

 Interlocking Rings (of Doom) Quilt

I made this quilt for my sister-in-law. It's a simple repeated design, and I afterwards realized a simpler and less wasteful way of making the blocks. But oh well. I really like what I did with the back of the quilt, if I do say so myself. It's fun to figure out what to do when you just don't have quite enough backing fabric. I think I used literally all of that floral fabric.

Corduroy Postage Stamp Bag

The main fabric is corduroy and the center bit are 3/4" or 1/2" squares; hence the name. I gave this to my mother-in-law. I ended up really liking the corduroy texture on a bag. I will have to get some more...

Said in 50's fashion show narrator voice, "Perfect for a day of pampering yourself out on the town!"
 Another inspired shot. I don't know why, but I also really like this one for some reason...